Collaborators and Partners

  • Dr. Birgit Kellner, Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context: Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows”, University of Heidelberg
  • Dr. Anne MacDonald, Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia, Austrian Academy of Sciences
  • Classical Ayurveda Text Study Group
  • FWF Project P20268
    “A Study of the Manuscripts of the Woolner Collection, Lahore” (November 2007 – February 2011) directed by Karin Preisendanz, Institute for South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna (Dr. Thomas Kintaert, Dr. Himal Trikha, Dr. Dominik Wujastyk)
  • FWF Project P17244-GO3
    “Metaphysik und Epistemologie der Nyāya-Tradition – Quellen, Geschichte, Ideen: Eine kritische Ausgabe des Nyāyabhāṣya” (August 2004 – September 2006) directed by Karin Preisendanz, Institute for South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna (Dr. Sung-Yong Kang, Dr. Yasutaka Muroya)
  • FWF Project P19328-GO2
    “Metaphysics and Epistemology of the Nyāya Tradition II” (November 2006 – August 2011) directed by Karin Preisendanz, Institute for South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna (Dr. Daniele Cuneo, Dr. Sung-Yong Kang, Dr. Yasutaka Muroya)
  • New Catalogus Catalogorum Project
    Directed by Siniruddha Dash, University of Madras