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Dongkarla manuscript Kanjur


"The hill top temple of Dongkala was first founded by two very interesting figures: Drubwang Rinchen Chodor and his disciple Terton Tsering Dorji, who were leading religious figures of their time in western Bhutan. While the former was a great meditation master who was well versed in both Kagyu and Nyingma meditation systems, the latter was one of the very few Bhutanese treasure discoverers. He rediscovered a highly advanced cycle of meditation teachings during his trip to Tibet. Very little was known about them until the project team came across an old autobiography of Terton Tshering Dorji in Dongkala temple during preliminary work. This autobiography may date from as early the 16th century as do many other books in the temple archive. The archive also holds a version of rNying ma rgyud 'bum manuscript, which is said to be quite different from other Bhutanese redactions. The temple was severely damaged by earthquake in September 2011." (source EAP.bl.uk)


