Welcome to the site dedicated to the Mongolian Language with focus on the Classical (Buddhist) Mongolian Language.
The main corpus is composed of about 65 000 entries which encompass the Mongolian word in Uighur script, in Cyrillic script and Latin transliteration. When available, the Tibetan equivalents are given, as well as a translation into French.
Furthermore, the entries of Kowalewski, Lessing and Schmidt are given directly below.
The first table "Other dictionaries and glossaries" combines the entries of several other Mongolian dictionaries which can be viewed as popup.
In the same way, the second table "Buddhist dictionaries" integrates Buddhist works, mainly Tibetan-Mongolian.
The third table "Mongolian-Mongolian dictionaries" sums up dictionaries which give definitions directly in Mongolian language.

The search engine of this site allows to search for a Mongolian word in Latin transliteration or in Cyrillic script, or for a Tibetan word. Further features (special search in a precise dictionary will be added).